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1   /*
3       stax  Stack API for XML.
4       Copyright (c) 2001-2006 held jointly by the individual authors.
6       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7       under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8       by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
9       your option) any later version.
11      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12      ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13      FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
14      License for more details.
16      You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17      along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18      Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
20      >
21      >
23  */
24  package net.sf.stax;
26  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
28  /***
29   * An encapsulation of the process of mapping XML ids to java objects.
30   * <p>
31   * Ids can occur in an XML document before or after the point at which they are
32   * referenced. An IdMapper keeps track of the currently available mappings so
33   * that handlers can fix up object graphs as objects are bound to ids.</p>
34   * <p>
35   * For example, given an xml document
36   * <pre>
37   * &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?&gt;
38   * &lt;foo&gt;
39   *   &lt;bar_ref id=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;
40   *
41   *   &lt;bar id=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;
42   *   &lt;bar id=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;
43   *
44   *   &lt;bar_ref id=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;
45   * &lt;foo&gt;
46   * </pre>
47   *
48   * You can handle normal elements (bar) and reference elements (bar_ref) with
49   * <pre>
50   * class FooHandler
51   *     extends StAXContentHandlerBase
52   * {
53   *     private List results = new ArrayList();
54   *
55   *     public void startElement(..., StAXDelegationContext dctx)
56   *     {
57   *         if ("bar".equals(qName))
58   *         {
59   *             dctx.delegate(barHandler);
60   *         }
61   *         else if ("bar_ref".equals(qName))
62   *         {
63   *             dctx.delegate(barRefHandler);
64   *         }
65   *     }
66   *
67   *     class BarHandler
68   *         extends StAXContentHandlerBase
69   *     {
70   *         private Bar bar;
71   *
72   *         public void startTree(StAXContext ctx) { bar = new Bar(); }
73   *
74   *         public void startElement(..., StAXDelegationContext dctx)
75   *         {
76   *             if ("bar".equals(qName))
77   *             {
78   *                 // ...
79   *                 IdMapper mapper = dctx.getIdMapper();
80   *                 mapper.registerItemForId(attrs.getValue("id"), bar);
81   *             }
82   *         }
83   *
84   *         public void endElement(...)
85   *         {
86   *             if ("bar".equals(qName))
87   *                 results.add(bar);
88   *         }
89   *     }
90   *
91   *     class BarRefHandler
92   *         extends StAXContentHandlerBase
93   *     {
94   *         private Bar bar;
95   *
96   *         public void startElement(..., StAXDelegationContext dctx)
97   *         {
98   *             if ("bar".equals(qName))
99   *             {
100  *                 final String barRefId = attrs.getValue("id");
101  *
102  *                 IdMapper mapper = dctx.getIdMapper();
103  *                 mapper.addIdListener(new IdListener()
104  *                     {
105  *                         public void idRegistered(Object id, Object item)
106  *                         {
107  *                             if ((barRefId.equals(id)) && (item instanceof Bar))
108  *                             {
109  *                                 bar = (Bar) item;
110  *                                 results.add(bar);
111  *                             }
112  *                         }
113  *                     });
114  *             }
115  *         }
116  *     }
117  * }
118  * </pre>
119  * </p>
120  *
121  * @author  Matthew Pocock
122  * @author  Michael Heuer
123  * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2006/01/02 20:37:34 $
124  */
125 public interface IdMapper
126 {
128     /***
129      * Bind an id to an item.
130      * <p>
131      * All listeners that have previously been registered for this id will be
132      * informed that the id is now bound. All future listeners will be informed
133      * that the id is bound before the stream stops parsing.</p>
134      *
135      * @param id  the id of the bound object
136      * @param item the item to register for this id
137      * @throws SAXException if the id has previously been bound
138      */
139     void registerItemForId(Object id, Object item)
140         throws SAXException;
142     /***
143      * Add a listener for all ids.
144      * <p>
145      * The listener will be informed of all id events, past and future for the
146      * complete parse of the StAX stream. This may happen as each id is found, or
147      * all together after the whole StAX stream has been parsed.</p>
148      *
149      * @param listener the IdListener to add
150      * @throws SAXException if the id has previously been bound
151      */
152     void addIdListener(IdListener listener)
153         throws SAXException;
155     /***
156      * Remove a listener for all ids.
157      *
158      * @param listener the IdListener to remove
159      * @throws SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
160      */
161     void removeIdListener(IdListener listener)
162         throws SAXException;
164     /***
165      * Add a listener for a specific id.
166      * <P>
167      * The listener will be informed exactly once of an item associated with this
168      * id. This may happen on registration, as the id is bound, or after the whole
169      * StAX stream has been parsed.
170      *
171      * @param listener the IdListener to register
172      * @param id the  that the listener is interested in
173      * @throws SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
174      */
175     void addIdListener(IdListener listener, Object id)
176         throws SAXException;
178     /***
179      * Remove a listener for a specific id.
180      *
181      * @param listener the IdListener to remove
182      * @param id the id that the listener was interested in
183      * @throws SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
184      */
185     void removeIdListener(IdListener listener, Object id)
186         throws SAXException;
187 }